Perubahan edisi ketiga "30 RAHASIA CARI UANG DI INTERNET"

Buku "30 Rahasia Cari Uang di Internet" saat artikel ini di tulis sudah memasuki cetakan ke tiga, jugasudah tersedia di semua toko buku di Indonesia, tetapi untuk cetakan ketiga ini ada yang istimewa, karena beberapa bagian dari buku mengalami perbaikan dan ada pergantiaan dari isi nya, agar buku ini selalu update dengan situasi dan kondisi di Indonesia.

Seperti kita ketahui bersama, Internet berkembang sangat cepat, begitu juga dengan isi buku ini ada beberapa bagian yang sudah tidak sesuai lagi, untuk itu kami revisi agar menjadi lebih baik lagi isinya maupun bentuknya. Beberapa situs sangat sulit untuk di ikuti orang Indonesia, belum bisa mengikutinya saat ini karena berbagai hal, atau untuk mengikuti program tersebut harus mengeluarkan biaya. maka penulis berusaha untuk menggantinya dengan informasi yang lain, agar pembaca buku ini tetap dapat mengikutinya.
Nah, agar pembaca dapat menikmati perubahan yang sudah terdapat di edisi ke 3, tulisan di bawah ini, mengenai hal-hal yang sudah kami rubah yang dimuat di edisi ketiga, jika pembaca saat ini memegang edisi pertama atau kedua, jangan khawatir, karena perubahan di edisi ketiga kami tulis di bawah ini. kami mengucapkan mohon maaf atas ketidaknyaman pembaca dalam edisi pertama dan edisi kedua. Selamat mengikuti perubahan dari kami

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Internet Business Opportunity Ideas

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Internet Business Opportunity Ideas

By © Arthur, The Home Business Opportunity

There are many Internet Opportunities to make money from the Internet but striking it rich is another matter. You need an unique product to surpass all those ideas that are currently available. However, if you have a good idea, the sky is your limit.

The most common Internet business that people went into are those Information Website as they can be setup easily. You just need to have knowledge in some particular area such as Accounting, Families Matter, Cooking or any Hobbies that you have can be used to setup a website. Of course, the difficult part is continually to add FRESH CONTENT to your website. You don't expect people to visit your website and keep reading the same old things.

Making money from Information Website is usually via joining Affiliate Programs and selling related products from your Affiliate Programs. In simple terms, affiliate is like holding the Franchise of another company in order to be eligible to sell their products for them. The only different is that you don't have to pay expensive Franchise Fees. If you are thinking of going Full-time on your Online Business, then you should look for an Affiliate Program that pay you an residual income. Residual income is like a book royalty where you write the book once but get paid as long as someone buy your book.

Secondly, if your website traffics is very high, you can make money selling Advertising space to other Website Owners. This is what many high traffic website is doing and since it is your own website the major part of the earnings will go to you after deducting the expenses on the Online Advertising software.

The third method for getting money from your online business is through collecting monthly, quarterly or yearly subscriptions from your visitors. Stocks Market website seems to be successful in this area as people are willingly to pay to get the latest stocks information. Of course there are others that have succeed in areas such as Education website that are assessable for subscription members only.

The fourth method for creating money with Information Website is to create your own Information product in the form of eBook. Like selling your own Advertising space, it also be your main Income Generator as you will have controlled over the product that you are selling. Of course, the difficult part is writing an eBook with good content so that people will buy. With good references, you will have better sales if you were to launch additional Info product.

The last method is to purchase the Master Resale Rights of another person products. You pay once for the license to sell the products. After the second sales onwards, you can keep all the profits. It is like creating your own products, it should be your main income producer as your profits cannot be cut. Unlike affiliate program where the owners tends to reduced your commission as more people join in their affiliate program.

The above are just some common methods of earning an Internet Income. As you to progress, you might be able to discover some uncommon methods which will be much more profitable for you.

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